Nail Care :: Nails care tips

The nail is made of a hard protein called keratin – a protein which is one of the building blocks which make up the body. The nails help protecting the ends of the fingers and toes from trauma, and also help us picking up small objects.

Over the last hundred years, the nails have become more important for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons and less important for protection.

Manicuring is the care of the hands and nails.

Basic manicuring should be done once a week. Every 4-6 weeks it is a good idea to seek the services of a professional manicurist.

A professional manicurist best knows how to keep your nails looking healthy and beautiful.

Nail Care Tips:

Weekly Nail Care (15-20 minutes each week):

A. Remove any old nail polish.

To remove the old polish on nails, first moisten cotton with nail polish remover and press over the nail for a few seconds to soften the polish. Then with a firm movement, bring the cotton from the base of the nail to the tip. Repeat this process until all of the polish is gone.

B. Shape the nails.

Shape your nails using a file or emery board. File each nail tip from corner to center; do not file in a see-saw motion with the emery board because doing so can cause ridges in the nail and nail splitting.

C. Clean the nails

Soak the hands in warm, soapy water for a few minutes to remove dirt. Clean under free edge of nail with orangewood stick.

The cuticle is the skin that grows from the finger onto the base of the nail (nail root). We recommend that the cuticle not be pushed back. Leaving the cuticle intact helps to prevent infection of the nail growing tissue.

D. Nail Polish

Now apply clear nail polish. There is no reason to waste money on several different kinds of clear polishes such as a ridgefiller, base coat, top coat or nail strengthener. They all do about the same job. After the clear polish dries, apply a color polish of your choice if you wish. Let dry. You may then reapply the clear polish as a top coat. This will help strengthen the nail and prevent chipping of the nail polish.

E. Moisturising hand and nails

Finally, apply a moisturizing cream or lotion to the hands and cuticles. This will help prevent splitting of the nails.

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